July 21, 2015


A full-day "Life Alignment" workshop will take place at the Wheel of Life Harmony Centre in Dingli this Sunday.

"When we think of health, the first thing that comes to our mind is our body. But we are more than that, the body is the part of ourselves that we can see," says Elisenda Kirchmayr.

Founded by Jeff Levin, the system applies a holistic approach and works with the whole person and its environment, it identifies the root cause of energy imbalances that result in illness and lack of personal fulfillment. "Like an X-Ray machine, these techniques screen the energetic field of a person to see where the flow of energy is blocked and step-by-step help to restore that flow."

Since 2008, she is a Certified Advanced Life Alignment practitioner and teacher. She has practiced in Italy, South Africa and now offers her services in Malta.

For information, contact:
Life Alignment Malta on 7933 7947